
      Jakob Dörner 
German Pioneer of Frederick County, Maryland
and Three Generations of Descendants

    This history of a Darner family in America began with a relic which has survived for well of 150 years: a tombstone simply inscribed with the names and dates of death of a married couple with a different surname, who were born in the mid-eighteenth century.  Many questions about this familiar local family were answered upon further inquiry, but none persisted unanswered for so long as the perennially provocative genealogical puzzle: just who was that man's wife and mother of their eleven children?
    Jakob Dörner is a German pioneer of Frederick County, Maryland.   This book covers information about Jakob Dörner and three generations of his descendants between 1748 and 1895.
    This book is index with extensive references.  It also includes information about the following related families and their children from Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Missouri.

Related Family Lines:
Abrecht, Biser, Boist, Butler, Butt, Castle, Catick, Cramer, Cutshall, Darner, Gettert, Hendrickson, Holter, Houser, Jarboe, Karn, Keller, Kepler, Leach, Lorentz, Moore, Oliver, Poole, Reeder, Rinker, Shafer, Shroyer, Shuey, Snurr,  Stewart, Umstot, Williard, Wine, Worrell


To Order:         $20.00 postpaid
Nancy Rice Kiddoo
16 Woodfield Drive
Whippany, NJ 07981-1927

About the Author:
    Ms. Kiddoo lives in Whippany, New Jersey.
    Her genealogical research has been focused on eighteenth-century Frederick County, Maryland.  The Jakob Darner book required at least 20 years to compile.   She is a descendant of Jakob Dörner's eldest daughter Anna Maria.

Copyright © 2002 Robert G. Fast
All Rights Reserved